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Friday, September 11, 2009

प्रेरणादई महिला नेत्री आङ सान सुकी

प्रजातन्त्र बादी नेत्री आङ सान सुकीको जन्म १९४५ को जुन १९ मा याङुनमा भएको हो । उनका बाबु आङ सानले आधुनिक बर्मेली सेना गठन हरी बेलायत सग युद्ब र बार्त दुबइ नितिका माध्यमबाट मुलुक्लाई सन १९४७ मा मुक्त्त परेका थिए । सोही बर्ष उनको हत्या भएको थियो । बाबुको मृत्‍यु पछी आङ सान सुकी र उनको दुई दाजुभाइलाई आमा खिन किले हुर्काइन । सन १९६९ मा बेलायतको अक्सर्फोड विश्वाबिध्यालय सेन्ट ह्यू कलेजबाट दर्शन शास्त्र , राजनीति र अर्थशास्त्रमा स्नातक पास गरिन । त्यस पछी उनी अमेरिका गइन र तीन वर्ष सँयुक्त्त राष्ट्र संघमा काम गरिन । उनले सन १९७२ मा तिब्बती सन्स्कृतिका बिद्बवान माइकल अरिस सग विवाह गरिन । उनले सन १९७३ मा जेठो छोरा र सन १९७७ मा कान्छो छोरालाई जन्मा दीइन् । उनले सन १९८५ मा ल्यान्डन विश्वाबिद्यालय बाट बिद्या बारीदी गरिन । सुकिले केही समय मेनमर सरकारको कर्माचारिको रुपमा समेत काम गरिन । आमा बिरामी परे पछी सुकी सन १९८८ मा बर्मा फर्किन । यसै बर्षा उनले पदर्सन को नेत्रित्व समेटा गरिन । सन १९९० मा सम्पन्न निर्वाचनमा सुकी को दल नेसनल फर डेमोक्रासिले दुई तिहाइ मत ल्यए पनि सैनिक सरकारले सुकिलाई सत्ता सत्तहस्तन्रण गरेन । त्यस अघिनै सुकिलाई नजर बन्धमा राख्यो । सुकी र उनका पतिको सन १९९५ मा अन्तिम पटक भेटघाट भएको थियो । अरिसलाई मेनमार सरकारले प्रबेश गर्न नदिएकाले पत्नी सग भेट गर्नै नपाई सन १९९९ मा उनको मृत्‍यु भयो ।

राजनीतिमा प्रबेश
सन १९८८ मा उदारबादी जनरल ने बिनलाई अपदस्त गरिएपछी आन्दोलन भाडकियो । त्यस आन्दोलनले प्रजातन्त्रका पक्षेमा आवाज उठायो । अगस्ठ ८ सन १९८८ मा आन्दोलन दबाइयो । ३ हजार भन्दा बढी मनिसको मृत्‍यु भएको थियो । सोही बर्षा अगस्ठ २६ मा उनले यागुनमा आयोजित सभालाई सम्बोधन गरिन । उक्त्त सभामा ५ लाख मानिस शाहभागी भएका थिए । उक्त पार्टिको महासचिब भए पछी उनलाई मेनमार सरकारले नजर बन्धमा राख्यो । उनलाई सरकारले मुलुक छोड्ने भए रिहा गर्ने सर्त राखेको थियो तर उनले तो कुरालाई स्विकार गरिनन । अगस्ठ ११ सन १००९ मा डेढ बर्षाका लागि नजबन्धको म्यद थपिएको थियो । नजरबन्धमै रहेका बेला अमेरिकि नागरिक जोन इटाबलाई घरमा प्रबेश गर्न अनुमती दिएको अभियोगमा उनलाई उक्त्त सजय दीएको हो ।

Saturday, August 8, 2009


१ हिमालको काखमा दौरारको खलियो मुस्ताङ २ गाउसगै हिमाल मुस्ताङ
३ लामाजुङ हुँदै मनाङ जाने बाटोको पुल त्रदै पर्यटक्
४ यो कस्तो द्रिश्य हिमाल चिर चिर परेको छ देख्दै मन लोभेउने
५ मुस्ताङ को रमाइलो गाउ र हिमालमा लगेर झन्डा गादे जस्तो देखिएको छ

Friday, August 7, 2009

pashupati nathako yatra

Monday, July 20, 2009

हिमाल पारीको देश जहाँ स्वर्ग जस्ताइ आनन्द पाईन्छ मुस्ताङ
रमाइलो मुस्ताङ को फापार बारी र पारी देखिएको आकाश सगैको हिमाल

लमजुङ् हुदै मनाङ जाने बाटो माँ पराने सुंदर झरना

Sunday, July 12, 2009


one child in mustang

jharana of lamjung

२९ असार, काठमाडौं । सरकारले आर्थिक वर्ष २०६६/६७ को बजेट व्यवस्थापिका संसदमा आज प्रस्तुत गर्दैछ । अर्थमन्त्री सुरेन्द्र पाण्डेले अपरान्ह ३ बजे बस्ने व्यवस्थापिका संसद बैठकमा बजेट पेश गर्नुहुनेछ । सरकारको नीति तथा कार्यक्रम आइतबार बहुमतले पारित भएपछि बजेट प्रस्तुत गर्न बाटो खुलेको हो । अर्थमन्त्री सुरेन्द्र पाण्डेले अपरान्ह ३ बजे संसदमा आर्थिक वर्ष २०६६/७६ को बजेट पेश गर्नुहुनेछ । बजेट निर्माणमा खटिएका अर्थविदहरुका अनुसार करिब २ खर्ब ९० अर्ब रुपैयाँको बजेट आउनेछ । यो गत वर्षको तुलनामा झण्डै ५४ अर्ब बढी हो ।

बिबित बिभिताले भरिएको नेपालको मुस्ताङ
tipical house in mustang

मन लोभेउने हिमाल मुस्तङ

संसारको दुर्लब सालीग्रम मुस्ताङको कलिगन्की तिर

संसाररै ब्रिसाउने हिमालको मनोरम द्रिश्य मुस्ताङ

Saturday, July 11, 2009

The seen in Mustang

नेपालको पख्र्यत ठाउँ मुस्ताङ बएर टिप्दै भोटेनी आमा

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

राष्ट्रप्रेम जगाउने शिक्षाको खाँचोः प्रधानमन्त्री

राष्ट्रप्रेम जगाउने शिक्षाको खाँचोः प्रधानमन्त्री

काठमाडौं, असार १७ - प्रधानमन्त्री माधवकुमार नेपालले बढ्दो प्रतिस्पर्धासंगै गुणस्तरीय शिक्षा दिन सक्नु त्रिविको मुख्य चुनौति रहेको बताएका छन् । त्रिभुवन विश्वविद्यालयको स्वर्ण जयन्तीको अवसरमा आयोजित कार्यक्रममा प्रधानमन्त्री नेपालले व्यवहारिक, व्यवसायीक र राष्ट्रप्रेम जगाउने खालका शिक्षाको खाँचो रहेकाले त्रिविले त्यस्ता शिक्षामा जोड दिनुपर्ने बताए ।
कार्यक्रममा शिक्षामन्त्री एंव सह कुलपति रामचन्द्र कुशवाहाले त्रिविले शिक्षा समयानुकुल परिमार्जित र सुलभ बनाउदैं लानुपर्ने सुझाव दिए । त्रिविका उपकुलपति डा.माधवप्रसाद शर्माले विश्वविद्यालय ज्ञान,विवेक र स्वतन्त्रताको प्रतिक भएकाले सहमति सम्वादबाट त्रिविका समस्या समाधान गनुपर्ने उल्लेख गरे । त्रिविले आज विभिन्न कार्यक्रम गरी स्वर्ण जयन्ती मनाउँदैछ ।

my Sweet Love as a Lightning flash

My love was as a beauty of autumn
Pleasant and humorous top to bottom
Love of greenery was everywhere
Tears as rainfall, symbol of no fear
Afraid for not to be separation again
A meeting after long time depression
I tried to keep all the stars on her lap
I made a bridge of ray recovering a gap
But found her in a lightning flash
Moving cloud, thunder and crash
It was really an intolerable happening
My dedication became a sad heart breaking.

kamal Raj Dahal

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Everest in nepal

High Crimes, Dark Summit, Mountain without Mercy, Left for Dead. These are all titles of books about climbing the world's highest peak. I have just come back from climbing Chomolungma, and I saw the mountain in a very different light. Times have changed since the mountain was first climbed in 1953. This year around 40 expeditions from all over the world settled down at Base Camp on the Khumbu Glacier at 5,400m. I was among the hundreds of Everest aspirants.
I reached the top on 21 May and even though the summit push was extremely hard, probably the hardest thing I have ever done in my life, I was very lucky because it was perfect weather, an extremely competent and safe expedition leader and I was in good health all the way through.
Not everyone was as fortunate. Lhakpa Nuru from Thame died in an sera fall in the Kathumandu Icefall when he was descending to base camp from Camp 2, and Sergey Lavrov from Kazakhstan, who was attempting to traverse from Lhotse to Mt Everest, was also swept away in an avalanche on the Lhotse Face.There were sometimes long waits at bottlenecks such as the Hillary Step, the notorious rock climb at about 8,760m. "We had to wait at the Hillary Step for two hours and I got slight frostbite," said Gerry Moffat, who reached the summit on 19 May.
Teams climbing Mt Everest receive a lot of criticism because climbers don't help each other. But I was amazed to see how climbers, Sherpa's, doctors and expedition leaders worked together.
At Camp 3 at 7,200m during my summit push, I heard on the radio how two Argentinean climbers helped an Irishman, who had run out of oxygen and had troubles coming down. As the Irish climber was suffering from edema and frostbite several doctors at the base camp advised the climbers what to do with the sick man. About 10 people were involved in that rescue and thanks to all the joined forces they brought the man down alive.
On 22 May, two mountaineers from Austria and the Netherlands, found an American climber sitting at the Balcony, just above Camp 4 at about 8,400m. He was clearly confused, and he had taken off his gloves and parts of his down suit. Had these two climbers not helped, the man would have died.
Several doctors saved the life of a Sherpa, who nearly died after he had consumed a bottle of whiskey adulterated with methanol.There are gruesome books about Mt Everest: the commercialization, greed, selfishness and crime. This season, I saw none of that, only humanity, generosity and courage. If I were to write a book about Everest (which I promise I will never do) I'd probably call it 'The Bright Side of Everest in the Nepal .

Hazard due to Fatigue

SR.capt.Subash Rijal
Do you know is the major cause
behind Ground/Air Accident/ Incident?
All working staff has to recognize when he / she is too tierd do sleep cycles dehydroation, nutrition and lines play in idenitifying and ewsponding to fatigue?

Sleep deprivation and overwork are largely responsible for unsafe working environment. That is the reason NAC, fight safety strongly recommends the concern to prove its practices to reduce fatigue and improve alertness. The NASA report contains 750 incident since 2003 in which aviation workers cited fatigue – related incidents. Some additio0nal Cades were found that aircraft incident/ accident happened due to pilot falling asleep, found by "USATODAY" pilot fatigue due to disrupted creation rhythm was cited as a contribution factor.
Sleep expert's say those swing shifts are especially difficult. Body has no time to adjust to a new sleep pattern . Insufficient sleep then impairs cognitive processes such as the data tracking and quick, accurate decision- making that pilots are called on to perform. Lack of sleep is a problem in many airlines, where new rules allow pilot to fly more hours in a shorter time frame- or for that matter, in any airlines where safety is an issue. Experts say that sleep-depraved people think they have airhostess to a lack of sleep, when in fact objective testing shows that their thinking abilities and reaction times have deteriorated, leading to more errors.
Sleep deprivation also is linked to depression, obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure. Sleepiness may seem like a mundane and therefore negligible issue. We have read the story of pilots filling asleep in the cockpit. The story may be just as "airborne legend", but true or not, pilot with a modicum of experience can deny having occasionally had to battle with fatigue or that it some how affected his or her performance. Thus, I'd like to share some information regarding Crew Duty time and Hazard of Fatigue.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

प्रजातान्त्रिक आन्दोलनकी अगुवा काङ्ग्रेस नेतृ शैलजा आचार्यको निधन

२९ जेठ, काठमाडौ : प्रजातान्त्रिक आन्दोलन र संघर्षशील महिलाको परिचय बनाउनुभएकी नेपाली काङ्ग्रेसकी नेतृ शैलजा आचार्यको ६७ बर्षको उमेरमा आज बिहान निधन भएको छ । निमोनिया लगायत रोगबाट पीडित आचार्यको महाराजगञ्जस्थित शिक्षण अस्पतालमा उपचारको क्रममा बिहान साढे चार बजे निधन भएको हो । उहाँको पार्थिव शरिरलाई बिहान नौं बजे देखि मध्यान्ह १२ बजेसम्म पार्टी कार्यालय सानेपामा अन्तिम श्रद्धाञ्जलीकालागि राख्ने र आजै पशुपति आर्यघाटमा अन्त्यष्टि गरीने नेपाली काङ्ग्रेसले जनाएको छ ।
२००१ साल बैशाख २६ गते मोरङमा जन्मनुभएकी आचार्यले समाजशास्त्र बिषयमा स्नातकोत्तर गर्नुभएको छ । २०१७ सालमा संसदीय अबस्थाको अन्त्य गरिएपछि उहाँले युवा अबस्थामै तत्कालीन राजा महेन्द्रबिरुद्ध कालो झण्डा देखाइ प्रजातान्त्रिक आन्दोलनलाई उत्कर्षमा पुर्याउनु भएको थियो । कालो झण्डा देखाएको आरोपमा साढे ३ बर्षको जेल सजाय भोगेपछि उहाँले नेपाली काङ्ग्रेसमा आबद्ध भएर सकृय राजनीति सुरु गर्नुभयो । उहाले सबै गरेर ३ बर्ष जेल , ९ बर्ष निर्बासन र २ बर्ष भूमिगत गरी क्रान्तिकारी महिलाको छवि बनाउनु भएको छ ।आफ्नो जीवन कालमा पटक पटक मन्त्री भएर २०५५ सालमा मुलुककै पहिलो महिला उपप्रधान मन्त्री तथा जलस्रोत मन्त्री बन्नुभएको थियो । सत्तामा रहँदा भ्रष्टाचार बिरोधि अभियान थाल्नुभएकी आचार्यलाई पार्टी भित्रैबाट असहयोग भएपछि उहाँ निष्कृय हुनुभएको थियो । उहाँ नेपाली काङ्ग्रेसका सभापति गिरिजाप्रसाद कोइरालाको भाञ्जी नाता पर्नुहुन्छ ।

Sunday, June 7, 2009

ताम्सालिङ बन्दमा तनाव, काभ्रेमा कर्फ्यु

जेठ, काठमाडौं । ताम्सालिङ संयुक्त सङ्घर्ष समितिले आहृवान गरेको बन्दका क्रममा काभ्रेमा माओवादी कार्यकर्ता र स्थानीयबासीबीच झडप भएपछि प्रसासनले सो क्षेत्रमा कर्फ्यु आदेश जारी गरेको छ ।
प्रसासनले काभ्रेको साँगादेखि धुलिखेलको अठ्ठाइसकिलोसम्म दिउँसो दुई बजेदेखि अनिश्तिकालीन कर्फ्यु आदेश जारी गरेको हो । ताम्सालिङ संयुक्त सङ्घर्ष समितिले आहृवान गरेको बन्दको बनेपावासीले अवज्ञा गरेका थिए । बनेपाका यातायात व्यवसायीहरूको गाडी तोडफोड भएपछि बन्दको अवज्ञा गरिएको हो । बन्द अवज्ञाकारीहरूले बनेपास्थित माओवादी जनसम्पर्क कार्यालयमा पनि तोडफोड गरिदिएका छन् ।
बन्द आहृवानकर्ता ताम्सालिङका समर्थक र बन्द अवज्ञा गर्ने समूहबीच भएको झडपलाई नियन्त्रणमा लिन इलाका प्रहरी कार्यालय, बनेपाले दजनौं सेल अश्रुग्यास प्रहार गरेका थियो । झडपमा परी १२ जना घाइते भएका छन् ।

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

फोटो : बज्र कुमार राइ दाङ लुमही लगयत बिभिन्न ठाउबाट छापा मारेर मुक्त्त कमलरिहरु आपशमा सामुहिक रुपमा खान खाँदै .
उनिहरुलाई गैर सरकारी सस्थाहरु र सरकारी निकायको सहयोगमा मुक्त्त गरियको हो ।

this child is east life in nepali

(भोक लागेर रोइरहेका एक बालक लामाही दाङ )
सुकुमबासी बस्तिमा बाल्अबलिकाहरुको खानामा स्याहर नभएर थुप्रै बलबलिका हरुको मृत्‍यु भएको छ । यस्तै जनजिविका भएकाहरुको बलबालिका हरु कमलरी बस्न वाध्य हुन्छन ।

Sunday, May 17, 2009

My Love As A Bottled Wine

My pure love of promises

she compared with a bottled wone.

My love from heart, she her adulthood

i entertaned with her adulthood

No feeling to her, only i felt myself.

Her beauty i drank like wine

She ratified me diffrently

i drank dropping drops, she thought

Which i poured from the bottle

she thought, these drops were her beauty.

The bottle was pouring out

She gussed day by day

i played and enjoyed on it

i embraced and kissed on it

Gradully it turned in to the emptiness.

The empty bottle at last

i th

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

नेपालमा आए पछी पनि सुख भएन

बज्र कुमार राइ

बैदेसिक रोजगार् लाई विग्य हरु देशको अर्थ तन्त्रलाई तेवा पुरेउने पर्मुख स्रोत्को रुपमा व्याख्या गर्छन् । तर यसमा पर्मुख भूमिका देखिने पात्रहरु युबहरु उज्जल भबिस्यको कल्पनाको घिर्निमा खरनी बनेको समाचार नयाँ होइन । बिदेश्मा हुने सम्पूर्ण पिडालाएे पचएर नेपाल फर्केका फोटो : बज्र कुमार राइ
नेपालीले स्वदेशमा तो पनि बिमनस्थल देखी नै अपमानित हुनु परेको छ । कोरिय र जापान जस्ता एसियली मुलुक नेपाली युबाहरुको लागि सपनाको गन्तब्य नै भएको छ । तर त्यहको बसैमा पर्ने सम्पूर्ण समस्यामा नमुख बन्ने नेपाल सरकार स्वदेशअंा आएपछी ति अर्थ्अतर्न्त्रका धरोहर खम्बालाई कानुन अध्ययन गराउन हतारो गर्छ । यस कर्म्मा जापान र कोरियबाट फर्केका नेपाली पर्बसी कामदारहरु अध्यागमनबाट गिरस्तार परी हिरासतमा परेका थिए । त्यस पछी त्यह पुगेका सभासद र नेपाल ट्रेदयुनियन महसघ जिफन्का पर्तिनिधिको रोहबारमा छुटेका छन ।

Monday, May 11, 2009

parbaasi nepali

कोरिया र जापानबाट फर्किएका कामदारहरु अध्यगमन बाट छूटे पछि सभासद्को साथमा

Thursday, May 7, 2009

tipical nepali peopal


YCL stages rallies in valley

The Young Communist League Nepal, affiliated to the UCPN-Maoist, organised rallies in the three districts of the Kathmandu Valley Thursday against the President's move to reinstate the army chief.
According to the YCL, the rallies with slogans that started at 11:00 from Bhaktapur, Lagankhel of Lalitpur and Basantapur of Kathmandu went to the different thoroughfares of the cities.
“The rallies were organised by the people against the President's move to reinstate army chief Rookmangud Katawal,” said Chandra Bahadur Thapa 'Sagar', YCL in-charge of the Kathmandu Valley.


Wednesday, April 29, 2009


viw a Sunrise

narayanhiti museum

photo: Bajra kumar Rai
nepali pepole visit narayanhiti museum

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Sunday, April 26, 2009

child freedom


The Future Of Air Travel Safety

Capt. KB Kshetry
Eleven European countries and Israel are currently busy developing an air plane defense system that my foil hijacking and terrorist attract in future Mr. Daniel gaunter the director of the Fifty million dollar $ 50 million project says that it will be last defense against terrorist attacks in this post 9/11 world .

Once the system is developed, a hand held electronic nose sensitive that a dig's snout will sniff passengers for dangerous chemicals and vapors at Aircraft entry doors. Than as soon as the Aircraft takes off the on-board computer will pack up suspicious conversation between passengers. In addition finger nail sized video camera will also be installed to detect nervous hidden microphone will record questionable noise from passengers in toilet, which is the primary location for unlawful activities before hijacking.

All these information gleaned about troubled spots is then passed to the crew through buzzers of flashing lights on a computer serene in the worst case if a hijacker dies manage to by-pass the finger print activated locks on the cockpit door and grabs hold if the controls the internal computer will tack over and divert the plane away from high rise buildings or any other preprogrammed no fly zone in to a safe spot .

However this project/s is being impeded with criticisms from different quarters. Human right activist are naturally concerned about passengers privacy, pilots are fearful of computers usurping their authority us questioning the ultimate price tag.
Right now the million-dollar question that remain is, "Willa Computer be able to distinguish between the various human micro-expressions and facial tics"
And the answer according to a group of research compiling the database of human expressions is resounding YES. Further insight into the thin slicing of the facial expression couple with the ground braking computer vision and as smart search algorithm will indene bring us a closer to the fulfillment of this dream. In sum, further researches in to these kinds of innovative technologies certainly make air travel lot safer and prevent make sequel catastrophes.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Knowing Nepal

Nepal, simply the terriain of the world' s highest peak Mt . E vrest, has lonegered one of the richest contries in terms of bio-diversity due to its unique geographi cal Facet and variation . The wild variation forsters a Far-fe cter varity of e co-system , fabulous geography and richest culchral land scapes add more to its majesty. There are many wo nder and splendid natural resourcer like gree n Forests lakes, water falls , anow clad mountains, diverse flora and fauna etc . Nepal has a glorious history culture and tradition that date back to tome i mmemorial. Not to forget the brave Gurkhas a name that has earned world-wide reputation in gallentry
with other 25 milion peple , the country is a pot pourri of ethic groups and sub-groups who speek over 93 laguges and dialects. It offer an astonishing diversity of sighteeing attraction and adventure chance found nowhere else. the levation of the country range from 60 meters above sea level to the highest point on earth, the Mt Evrest standing tall at 8848 meters.
Nepal also a labour exporting country with a substatial numbre of Neplies workers currently workig in different part of the world , embracing Dubai , Saudi Arabia, Qtar, Kuwait, Oman , Malaysia and Hnkong , among other. It should be noted that remmitance has been the vim and vigour of the Country 's economy and dischsrges key role in de vlopment processes.
Nepal has also been traditional a buffer or shock absorber zone between two gaint neighbours India and China. Sandwiched between the two colossal neoghboures , india and China , Nepal is generaly preceived as a tiny Himalayan Cou ntry . It is a acuity that has been created a bout a country whose geographical size and population are bigger than those of some other atates in south and center Asia region. The percepption has also shaped its orie ntation and relation with outside world. In today's world, where not only the theory of balance of power determines the interstate relation but also the principales of panchsheel prevall and provide orientation to foreign policy mattres , such as difensive mentality needs to be chnge . The post -1950 forei gn policy of Nepal foucused on balancing the ties woth its two immediate neoghbourhood and expa nding its relation with other countres in the world.
Nepal 's natural resoueses have tremendous potntial for industrilization , economic devlopment and prosperty of the people. These are not only important interms of their acenic beauty but also consitute asseest and strength , which have stong impact on Nepal's geopolitical Factors . Similarly mojuntainlous sceni c beauty that Nepal offers are also important for devlopment majore tourist destination and preserving biodiversity .
Economics has staeted to play rational role in the inter national relation mong the nation states. The expension of Nepal's role in the inter ntion arena could also be viewed in the economoc context as well . The foreing debts , aids and grants in the Ist fifty years have dramatically augmented.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Tipical Nepali House

Tipical Nepali House form Lamjung.


Mohoriyakot is a Village Development Committee in Lamjung District in the Gandaki Zone of northern-central Nepal. At the time of the 1991 Nepal census it had a population of 2564 people residing in 512 individual households.

Lamjung District

Lamjung District, a part of Gandaki Zone, is one of the seventy-five districts of Nepal, a landlocked country of South Asia. The district, with Besisahar as its district headquarters, covers an area of 1,692km² and has a population (2001) of 177,149. Lamjung mainly consists of agricultural villages. The Picture on the right is a scene taken in a village called "D Gau" or Dhital Gau.


Nepal (Nepali: नेपाल [neˈpaːl] (help·info)), officially the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal, is a landlocked country in South Asia and is the world's youngest republic. It is bordered to the north by the People's Republic of China, and to the south, east, and west by the Republic of India. With an area of 147,181 square kilometers and a population of approximately 30 million, Nepal is the world's 93rd largest country by land mass and the 41st most populous country.Kathmandu is the nation's capital and the country's largest metropolitan city.

Nepal is a country of highly diverse and rich geography, culture, and religions. The mountainous north contains eight of the world's ten highest mountains, including the highest, Mount Everest. The fertile and humid south is heavily urbanized. By some measures, Hinduism is practiced by a greater majority of people in Nepal than in any other nation. A minority faith in the country, Buddhism is linked historically with Nepal as the birthplace of Siddhartha Gautama who, as the Buddha Gautama, gave birth to the Buddhist tradition.

Nepal had been a monarchy throughout most of its history. Prithvi Narayan Shah, a Shah dynasty king, unified the many small kingdoms in 1768. Since then, the country had been ruled by a dynasty of kings. However, a decade-long People's Revolution by the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) along with several weeks of mass protests by all major political parties of Nepal in 2006, culminated in a peace accord and the ensuing elections for the constituent assembly voted overwhelmingly in favor of the abdication of the last Nepali monarch Gyanendra Shah and the establishment of a federal democratic republic in May 28, 2008.The first President of Nepal, Dr Ram Baran Yadav was sworn in on 23 July, 2008.