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Monday, January 10, 2011

SIA future-of Nepalese Civil Aviation

Ssue of excessive air traffic congestion experienced in Tribhuven international Airport (TIA ) since last few years was a matter of great concern. It is felt that some concrete actions must be initiated urgently probable actions may be expansion of TlA infrastructure 24 hours operation of TIA diversify the operational base of domestic operators converting potential domestic airports such as pokhara and Bhairahawa to international airport In course of examining how things are going on it is apparent that TIA is in a continuous process of expansion After the completion of on going runway overlay work TIA may go for 24 hours operation pokhara and Bhairahawa is in the process of transformation to international airport . However diversification of the operational base of domestic operators is not being able to implement effectively in fact all these process are being very slow in comparison to the rate of air traffic growth besides these solutions are of temporary in nature it will not fulfill the ultimate requirement to meet the ever going tourism and civil aviation of the country. Main constraints of TIA is the space limitation. TIA capacity can be significantly enhanced only if the additional runway could be contracted . But because of the space limitation of TIA this is not possible. So the ultimate solution is to develop a second International Airport.

It must be accepted that now TIA is approaching at saturation level. Even though the airport is operated 24 hours few additional flight ca be accommodated. However, as the development and operation of another international airport takes several years. TIA still needs to be optimally utilization till next option, is is a matter of great satisfaction that Nepal Government Airport at Nigadh as their project. As a result given below are few major government initiations so far.

· Land requirement and the boundary demarcation for SIA at Nijgadh has been finalized and submitted to government for approval.

· A Negotiation team has been established to negotiate with the 1316 families who have been identified to have settled in the government land for their resettlement.

· Ministry for Tourism and Civil Aviation has set up a separate until in the Ministry to deal with SIA.

· Government has granted permition to a south Korean company- land mark worldwide to conduct \ Detailed Feasibility study. This includes detail engineering design of the airport.

There are several issues that are still to be addressed to materialize the SIA. Resettlement of that people and the environmental issues are not so easy but still there are several solution and option to settle this problem. Major issues are the fast track and TIA's operational modality after SIA. They are vary closely inter connected. SIA will not be viable unless and until a short and direct accuse road to the airport from the capital is arable. Fast Tract project is under Ministry of Physical Planning where as SIA is under Ministry\y of Tourism and Civil Aviation. So a very good cooperation and coordination between two ministry is essential. If not it may not in fulfill its ultimate target. Second major issues is - once SIA is in operation in what model TIA is to be operated and how to recap the huge environment that has been already incurred in TIA's infrastructure development.

On November 3, 2010, Rt. Honorable prime Minister had an aerial inspection of fast track and SIA site. Hon minister for Tourism and Civil Aviation Mr. Shrat singh Bhandari and Secretary, MOTCA, Mr. Kishore Thapa was also present in the inspection. Before departure to the SIA site, Secretary Mr. Kishore Thapa briefed about the present status of SIA to the prime minister. After the complection of the aerial inspection, there was a briefing program in thee Budhune Army Barrack in Makawanpure district around 30 km East of Hetauda. Nepal Army made a briefing about the progress and problems in the fast Track project. In the program, I had an opportunity to make a brief power point presentation on the need of SIA and its prospects.

Monday, December 13, 2010

The rising power of generals withing the governments if Asia is fueling the region wide arms race.

In Recent months, the wars of words between china and Japan over disputed is lands in the south china sea have rettled many Asian nations, which would prefer that their giant neighbors focus on peaceful trade। But the verbal battles have obscured another, more disturbing regional trend।Asian countries are gearing up for possibility of a real fight। According to the Stockholm international peace Research instituted, the amount spent on weapons purchases in south east Asia nearly doubled between 2005 and 2009 , the most recent figures available. The weapons-buying spree will go on these increases are expected to continue in 2010 and 2011, despite the global economic downturn. Indeed, for many western and Russian arms manufactured, Asia has become the promised land. Asia's nations are spending on weapons in part because older arms are becoming obsolete, and many countries did not replace, them during the Asian financial crisis of the late 1990's and early 2000's. But there is another, far more disturbing reason for the arms race. Some of the region's historically most unstable and aggressive states are remilitarizing, handing there arms forces unprecetrise like Pakistan, china, and North Korea remilitarize, the region's democratic states dell forced to do the same. China has recently been increasing its defense budget by more than 10 percent in most years, and building a real blue-water Navy, The pace and scope of china's military modernization have increased, notes the pentagon's most recent report on the Chinese military. This buildup will increase china's option for using military force to gain diplomatic advantage or resolve disputes in its favor.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Relation between right to food and other right

The right to food depends on the realization of many other rights. Access to food is controlled by access to land, water, economic life , education and political power. To get food we must either product it ourselves or we must buy it. To product our own food, we need we need land, we need enough money. To use food effectively, we need to be educated about how to produce, prepare and preserve it.The right to food affects and is affects by many other human rights. Therefore, the right to food is often indirectly violated through the violation of one of the many other rights on which it depends.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Socio-Economic ritht

As we already discussed that the right to food is a fundamental right for every person. This is recognized in international law as part of the international Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Right. The lack of fulfillment pf the right to food materially affects the proper fulfillment of other socio-economic right, as the Heads of State a and Government gathered in Rome as the invitation of , reaffirmed on November 13, 1996 the right of everyone to have access to save and nutrition food.

Friday, December 3, 2010

goverment prosses to UN mechanism to replace UNMIN

Dec ४, kathmandu, Despite strong objection from the Maoists, the government on Friday passed on to the UN a proposal advocating a mechanism of ex-army men to take up UNMIN´s responsibilities relating to supervision of Maoist combatants।
According to a highly-placed government source, a group of ministers led by Acting Prime Minister Bijaya Kumar Gachhadar briefed visiting UN Under Secretary-General for Political Affairs B. Lynn Pascoe about the plan during a nearly hour-long meeting at the Office of Prime Minister and Council of Ministers at Singha Durbar.